63+ Intelgent Studio Apartment Decorating Ideas

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The needs of city residents for comfortable housing are not new. Life in a dynamic city must make its inhabitants able to adapt to the environment and the occupancy they occupy. Although it's not too big and spacious, the apartment you have can be a comfortable place with the right decoration. The placement of furniture adjusts to the color selection and other factors that you can do instead of changing the size of the room.

If you are looking for a suitable studio apartment décor reference, you can follow the tips and tricks below. Get a cozy and comfortable yet stylish look like the picture above, and there are a few tips you can follow.

The first thing you can do is take advantage of empty vertical space. During this time, we are too focused on the horizontal design of the room so. That it presents the impression of a crowded and crowded room with a variety of stuff, so, you can start utilizing vertical free space by placing items that you can place vertically, such as cabinets, bookshelves, or whatever. You can also put a ladder to clarify the vertical and horizontal space. If not possible, use a room separator to separate free space between rooms. This item is also useful for getting around placing unnecessary accessories in the room.

The second trick to get around your apartment's narrow space is to maximize the natural lighting point. Use glass windows and thin window shades with bright colors so that sunlight can enter freely without the need to use excessive electric lights. To make it seem warmer, use wooden furniture to make it more harmonious and elegant. Consistent color can also add a deep impression to the room. Use primary colors like white, gray, or pastel colors to bring out a soft and artsy impression. Apply consistently to accessories installed in the room. To make it appear more lively and cheerful, combine it with little patterned accessories like a pillow, sofa, wallpaper, or carpet.

image source: pinterest.com